Georgina Goodman

Hilda Peeptoe Court Shoes ---------- Helga Peeptoe Shoe Boot

"A principal that motivates me is All is One. This principle removes the illusion of separation.

The illusion says that up is separate from down, right separate from wrong, male separate from female, joy separate from sadness.

The more I consider this idea, the more I realise that all separations are points of measurement on the same line, they are of the same energy. By this I mean Joy and Sadness are actually of the same energy, they just describe the energy resonating at different frequencies.

Yes, I recognise and honour difference but not division.

And I find this thought gives me freedom. It gives me permission to feel everything I feel without the judgement of thinking it to be a good or bad feeling. It removes my guilt and so allows me the moment because I know I can always tune the dial, turning the energy up or down, changing and creating my experience.

I wanted to take this thought into everything I do, creating in form an expression of the concept, a material expression of All is One."

- Georgina Goodman

From glamazon to rocker, Georgina Goodman has something for you. The motivation behind her creations, from her accessories to her store to her customer relations, is quite inspiring. All her shoes (foot sculptures, really) are stamped with the phrase 'Made in Love,' and it shows. Everything that Georgina sets her mind to flows from a philosophy expressing All is One. As I filter through her website, I find not only the beautiful creations, but an intimacy that is hard to find in such a consumer oriented world. It is such a pleasant relief to know that there are people out there who still think, I mean really think, about what they do - where it comes from, where it is going, what it really is. Her philosophy knows not the bounds of the fashion world, but slips into your daily coffee and motivates your interactions.

All is One is our philosophy
Love is our freedom
Work is our play
Creativity is our passion
Art is our expression
Collaboration is our psychology
Joy is our emotion
Soul is our boundary
Family is our culture
Balance is our creed
Inspiration is our guide
Being is our vision
Belief is our future


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